Friday, December 26, 2014

hot spots

In E.O.Wilson's book The Creation I learned about hot spots. Hot spots are  places that are rich in biodiversity and in danger of being destroyed by humans . Madagascar, the home of the lemurs, is one of the hot spots.

There are many types of lemurs, including the golden bamboo lemur, the ring-tailed lemur, the fork-marked lemur and the gray mouse lemur.

Lemurs live exclusively in Madagascar which is why we must protect it. If humans destroy the lemur's habitat on Madagascar the only places lemurs can live will be zoos, even if lemurs adapted to a new environment it would upset the ecosystem.

This is a picture of a sifaka lemur (found on

Many lemurs are very unique, for example Wikipedia says the adult golden bamboo eats lemur eats 500 g (18 oz) of bamboo which contains 12 times the lethal dose of cyanide for most other animals of this size. The safaka lemur feeds on the flowers of trees covered with thorns. The safaka carefully places it toes in between the needle like thorns; even the babies can navigate the thorny trees. There are many more types of lemurs, each unique in it's own way please help to protect them.

This is a picture of a Golden Bamboo Lemur (picture by Antony Stanley, found on Flickr):